Over the past few years, outsourced video game creation has become more and more common. With each each generation, video games have expanded in scope and detail. Players’ expectations are only rising as a result of this expansion. It can be difficult for a developer to live up to these demands without drastically growing their business or taking risks. External development studios can help in this situation. When they are short on resources or want knowledge that is outside of their personnel base, many top developers hire external development teams to help ease the load and give competent support.

Video game outsourcing studios, commonly referred to as Xdev studios, were developed especially to work alongside and supplement already well-known developers. These studios frequently focus on specialised video game production fields like UX/UI design at


The general freedom a project receives from working with an outsourced Outsource video game development production studio is one of its key advantages. One of the main reasons developers turned to external development studios was the flexibility to ramp up and down on a project, according to last year’s External Development Summit (XDS) insights study.

With shifting deadlines and extra features, video game creation isn’t always easy. By bridging gaps and helping the more difficult aspects of a project, an Xdev studio can enable developers in meeting these deadlines. They have the option to either scale back or discontinue their need for support once the deadline has passed. One of the main benefits of employing an Xdev studio is their flexibility; they adjust to the

In the unfortunate event that key team members from a developer depart midway through a project, outsourcing video game production can help. The game must be over, despite the fact that no one can say when this might happen. Most of the time, hiring replacements won’t be possible without having a severe negative impact on the project. Utilizing an Xdev studio to reduce the risk can prevent unneeded delays and keep the project on track.

Many of the more well-known external development studios have facilities all around the world, enabling what is referred to as “follow the sun development.” The development teams from two studios that are situated in different time zones can work together virtually constantly throughout the day on a project. Because of the collaboration, development happens virtually continuously throughout the day, resulting in a more effective use of both time and resources.

When thinking about collaborating with an outside video game development studio, adoption ease is another important consideration. A development team may find working with an Xdev studio scary at first, but as the project goes on, teams start to mesh and become more efficient. Future projects can be completed with the same studio more easily as a result of the familiarity and procedures from earlier projects. Being able to continuously work with a team you know and trust will bring reassurance and assist assure regular high-quality outputs in the Outsource video game development industry, where talent retention is a prevalent problem.


The ability to save time and money by outsourcing video game development is another benefit. While some developers get sticker shock when they learn how much working with an Xdev studio will cost up front, they frequently underestimate how long it will take and how much it will cost to accomplish the work with the resources they have.

A developer’s choices are to work with an outside game development studio or hire more full-time staff when a project’s scope enlarges or deadlines are accelerated. Although hiring new employees may appear to be the more affordable alternative, this is frequently untrue. It can take a lot of time to onboard and train new employees, especially if the training is limited to a few specialised topics. Before the new hires start producing work at an acceptable level for the team, time will need to be taken into account. Even after investing thus much

Working with an Xdev studio avoids all hiring-related difficulties and saves even more time by giving the developer access to experts who can do quality work right away. When external employees concentrate largely on one area of their competence, their work is typically done more quickly than if new employees were hired to carry out the identical activities. When a developer collaborates with an outsourcing firm that employs follow-the-sun development, this time frame is reduced even further.


According to the XDS 2021 insights report, developers and publishers prioritised work quality when choosing an outsourcing firm. Although external development studios may include several departments, the staff in these divisions is highly qualified in their respective professions, allowing for the production of high-quality deliverables. Working with an outside development studio has many advantages, one of which is making the most of their specialties.

Developers may fill in the gaps and make use of a variety of abilities that might not be available in their firm by having access to experts who can tackle specific issues on a project. These specialists also provide new suggestions that the development team might not have thought about.

In the case of Sprung Studios, we think that collaborations between several departments often result in the best ideas. For instance, it is usual for our UX/UI designers to get ideas from our user research or development teams when working with a client. This collaboration results in new ideas and a more knowledgeable outcome.

Additionally, external development experts can boost staff productivity for developers. If a developer asks current team members to take on additional responsibilities, those workers might not have experience in those domains. The developer’s team can concentrate on their areas of expertise by having an Xdev focus on particular aspects of the project, which makes the project more productive overall.

Many of the best developers and publishers in the world already recognise the benefits of outsourcing video game creation, despite the fact that it is still a developing area of the games business. Working with an outside development studio has many advantages, including flexibility, efficiency, and specialisation.

Some developers may fear that working with an outside development studio may make the project more challenging and ineffective. Actually, when a developer decides to work with an outside game development firm, they are deciding to be more effective with their resources, including money, time, and personnel.


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